How to Send and Reply to Messages?


Messaging on BOTY begins when a user you follow sends you a message or you create a new message to send to one of your followers. Afterward, all messages that are related to that conversation will appear in Messages


To send a new message


  1. Login to the BOTY mobile application
  2. Click on Profile in the upper right hand corner
  3. Click on Followers and Following and select any one of your followers
  4. Click on DM under the follower that you want to message
  5. Type your message and hit Send


To reply to an existing message


  1. Login to the BOTY mobile application
  2. Click Menu
  3. Click Messages
  4. Select the message you want to send a reply to
  5. Type the message that you want to send
  6. Click Send

Message Threads


When you click on a message, you can view the conversation and also the following information:


  • Whether or not the user belongs to a group that you’ve created. If the user is a part of a group, the group name will be listed.
  • Your followers’ profiles, including their profile image.
  • The timeline of the conversation. If you’ve sent and replied to multiple messages from that particular follower, all of the previous messages times will be listed.


All BOTY users are required to abide by our Terms of Service with regard to message content when sending and replying to messages. If you’d like to report spam or inappropriate messages you’ve received in BOTY, click here.

You can also block a BOTY user who you no longer want to receive messages from by going here.