It’s 5 p.m. and you’re not ready to give up on having fun tonight. However, you’re not sure if you’ll head out because you’re starting to get comfortable on the couch. That’s why we’re here to give you some instant motivation.
Before you start getting ready to leave, make sure to read these 5 reasons why you should go to the bar tonight.
1. Get Some Action
Let’s face it. The bar is probably one of the easiest places to meet people fast. If you’re looking for some action, the bar is almost always the best place to do it. Whether you want a hookup or just some attention from other people to remind yourself that ‘you still got it,’ hurry up and get to the bar. Your ego will thank you later.
2. Be a Good Friend
Your friend has been feeling down lately and could really use a pick-me-up. Whether the issue is a bad breakup or family issues, you can be a good friend by taking them to the bar tonight. If you just get up and go to the bar tonight, they’ll be sure to return the favor when you need a friend to buy you a few rounds.
3. You (Really) Want to Party
Come on, you know you really want to party. But you also don’t want to mess up your house. Fortunately, there’s a place that exists that will let you get your drink on without you having to wash a single dish. It’s called the bar and it’s calling your name tonight.
Soon you could be listening to your favorite songs and enjoying a tasty drink if you get ready to leave now!
4. Social Media Is Getting Boring
You were planning to stay in tonight and just look at Facebook until you saw that your friends haven’t made updates in a few hours. You’ve also run out of memes to laugh at and videos to watch.
You’re bored with social media right now. There’s nothing left for you there if you don’t leave your house. So text those friends that you haven’t heard from and tell them to meet you in 1 hour at your favorite dive bar.
5. You’re Already Procrastinating
You have some stuff that you need to do for work or school but right not it’s just not getting done. Instead of flipping TV channels pretending like you’re going to get to work right after you finish this episode, it’s time to face the truth.
You’re not getting any work done tonight, period. So instead of missing out on happy hour and meeting someone hot at the bar, get up and get dressed right now. Head to the bar and turn this night around. You can take care of whatever you were supposed to do tomorrow.
Want to connect with people at your bar in a whole new way? Download the BOTY on iTunes or Google Play for free!