Spring and Summer Beer Trends
For those of us suffering in the brutal northeast, spring has finally sprung. But, even if you’re lucky enough to enjoy beautiful weather all year round, we’re sure you ...
5 Cinco de Mayo Promotion Ideas
Cinco de Mayo is almost here. If you don't speak Spanish, Cinco de Mayo translates to the fifth of May, which is just around the corner. Although Cinco de ...
How to Flirt at a Bar Without Creeping Guys Out
Have you ever hit on a man at the bar? The thought has probably crossed your mind but you were probably unsure how to do it without looking like ...
How to Become a Badass Bartender
A badass bartender has to have many qualities. They save people after having a horrible day of work with their favorite cocktail and some light banter. At the same ...
The Culture of Long Shifts; Why Bartenders Do It and Why Bars Allow It
Ok everyone, let’s talk about long shifts. Doubles, 20-hour marathon sessions during ‘music weeks’, and the dreaded “clopen”. Why do we do this to ourselves? And why do bars ...