Make Good Use of Your Bartender Time
Bartending is an awesome job, but understand all the challenges with it. Before choosing it as a career, please consider your bartender time. Standing for 10-12hr shifts at a time with no break is exhausting. ...
A Brief History of Getting Drunk
Humans have basically been getting drunk since graduating from caveman status. Small amounts of alcohol have been found in the pottery of ancient Chinese civilizations. And there's written mentions of the stuff ...
It’s Time to Stop Serving Drinks
Are you unsure when to stop serving drinks? If you are a bartender, you will come across some interesting people who are pretty difficult to deal with. You have the ...
Things To Know Before Becoming a Bartender
So, you want to be a bartender. Good for you! Bartending is a great way to make extra cash but it’s also a legitimate career path. You’ll make more ...
The Top 10 U.S. Drinking Holidays
As Americans, we love to celebrate and kick back with a few good drinks. This is also very true when it comes to certain holidays. Here is a list of ...