It’s Time to Stop Serving Drinks
Are you unsure when to stop serving drinks? If you are a bartender, you will come across some interesting people who are pretty difficult to deal with. You have the ...
Things To Know Before Becoming a Bartender
So, you want to be a bartender. Good for you! Bartending is a great way to make extra cash but it’s also a legitimate career path. You’ll make more ...
Erasing the Stigma of Girly Drinks
When’s the last time you saw a big, burly man order a cosmopolitan or a sex on the beach? Probably not recently, right? Or maybe not ever. Because remember don't ...
The Top 10 U.S. Drinking Holidays
As Americans, we love to celebrate and kick back with a few good drinks. This is also very true when it comes to certain holidays. Here is a list of ...
Bad Bartending Habits
We all would like to think that we are the best bartenders in the world and that we never make any mistakes or have any bad bartending habits. However, ...