Why People Leave Big Tips
Every wonder why people leave big tips? Bars are a big deal all around the world. I personally love them because they are literally everywhere. I have been to Shanghai, ...
More Than Just Serving Drinks
Bartending is more than just serving customers drinks. Walk into any bar on a Friday night and you will see an array of drinks being served, music blasting and happy ...
How to Find the Best Bartenders
Finding the best bartenders at your favorite hot spots is a must to make the most of your evening. But sometimes it can be difficult to spot which bartender ...
Alternatives for Non-alcoholic Designated Drivers
Every group of bar goers has (or should have) a Non-alcoholic Designated Drivers, or DD. But if it’s your turn to get behind the wheel, the notion of hitting ...
Cash is King for Bartenders
You are looking to have an enjoyable time at your local bar. The best times typically involve good customer service. A good bartender tip is to know it's all about ...